
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Pure + Simple and Holistic Vanity #earthday Celebration Specials!

I have been shopping at Pure and Simple Spa's for a few years now. For the last two years, I have participated in their amazing Earth Day celebration and I already can't wait until next year!

All you have to do is bring in some empty skincare products from any brand for recycling and they will give you 50% off of their products (Maximum 3 products per person.) Included in this sale is the Pure + Simple line, Holistic Vanity as well as their Minimalist line. They have 3 spas in Toronto and  1 in Waterloo. If you live out of town they even offer a mail-in program to participate. 

I stocked up on 2 of my favourite skin serums: 100 ml Algae Serum
And I traded in my empty Holistic Vanity Argan oil to try their Camellia Oil: 100 ml Camellia oil
I even received a free sample size of their all-natural deodorant. 

Remember, you will get 50% off on Earth Day, April 22nd. If you miss this sale they always have monthly sales on different products, usually 15%-20% off.

I'm excited to try the Camellia oil. It's not only for Rosacea! It's supposed to be very calming to the skin and it has great reviews on their website. After a quick "google" search, I see that Camellia oil has numerous skin benefits and it's non-comedogenic (won't clog pores or cause acne.)

If you're in the Toronto or Waterloo area and want to participate, they are open until 9pm tonight (Waterloo is open until 7 pm.) Or you could call their head office and ask about the mail-in program.  
Pure + Simple Contact info

How are you celebrating Earth Day?

(this is not sponsored and I purchased everything with my own money. I just love their products and service!)

Xo Amy

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